Listening to America, Season 9: Evelyn Unlimited

Evelyn, Class of 2024, shares the song that makes her feel unlimited. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 9: Phillip Unlimited

Phillip, Class of 2024, shares the song that makes him feel unlimited. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 9: Juliette Unlimited

Juliette, Class of 2024, shares the song that makes her feel unlimited. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 9: Mark Unlimited

Mark, Class of 2024, shares the song that makes him feel unlimited. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 9: Introduction

The gulf waves off Grand Isle. Mademoiselle Reisz’s piano playing. These are the sounds that make Edna Pontellier, the protagonist in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, feel unlimited. In Season 5 of Listening to America, Mr. Miley’s juniors relate to Chopin’s work by sharing the sounds and music that make them feel unlimited.

A Sunday Afternoon with 7th Grade French Students

Students in Honors 7th Grade French studied George Seurat’s pointillism masterpiece Un dimanche après-midi sur l’île de la Grande Jatte. Listen as they describe what the people are wearing, and using their imaginations, what they are doing.

Listening to America, Season 8: Mary Lucy’s Anthem

“Acknowledging the imperfections is healthy and honest.” Listen as Mary Lucy, Class of 2024, discusses her nominee for a new national anthem. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 8: Jacob’s Anthem

“By focusing only on the voices, it puts more emphasis on what’s being said.” Listen as Jacob, Class of 2024, discusses his nominee for a new national anthem. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 8: Natalia’s Anthem

“There is a dream for everyone in this country.” Listen as Natalia, Class of 2024, discusses her nominee for a new national anthem. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.

Listening to America, Season 8: Jay’s Anthem

“You feel like saving the world right after you listen.” Listen as Jay, Class of 2024, discusses his nominee for a new national anthem. This episode is brought to you by Listening to America, a series developed by Mr. Miley’s American Literature students.